
International Movement for a Libido Ecology (I.M.L.E. / M.I.E.L.)

News bulletin n°1 - autumn 2003

What can you do to fight the neuroses?

It is never easy to admit that one suffers from mental disorders, even benign.
However the neurosis is a completely banal disorder, even if it has widely varied shapes and consequences depending on each individual.

It is today largely admitted by the medical professionals that, in our society, almost everyone suffers from neuroses at some degree. This is due to the mode of education (in the broader sense) which is induced by our society.

Particularly in the case of the neuroses, it is only possible to consider an improvement if the person admits that he or she suffers and wishes to look after herself. Indeed the aim of the therapy is to release the unconscious from obstacles which were internalized in it. It is thus essentially an individual work, in which the therapist intervenes as a catalyst and a guide.

Refusing to acknowledge that one suffers and that one can make the others suffer is to apply the policy of the ostrich. Conversely, to admit it is to open possibilities of progress. Suffering is not a fate, conflicts are not "normal".

1. For you

Get information

Many works are available on psychoanalysis, psychology, body therapies, shamanism, Eastern approaches of vital energy (laic Buddhism, acupuncture...)

We particularly recommend you the reading of the works of Wilhelm Reich. In accordance with his will to inform the largest audience, the writing is easily comprehensible and does not require preliminary knowledge in psychoanalysis. Discovering this work will change your life!

Give yourself the chance to live better

Help yourself to get better, your ideas will be clearer and more right, the health of your body will improve, your relations with the others will be easier.

Actually there's nobody for whom a work on oneself cannot bring something positive.

Caution: a therapy worthy of this name does not consist in eliminating some awkward symptoms in order to enable you to be better adapted to social life. It consists in contacting your own individuality by disencumbering you of the prejudices and obstacles which were internalized during your development.

By carrying out a work on yourself, you will discover who you really are and you will increase your vital capacities.

2. For your children

The younger the individual is, the more influence the external stimuli will have on him. The personality, the psychic and sexual capacities and the neurosis are set in the very first years of life. This is why one should be particularly vigilant regarding the various influences your children can be subject to.

It is not our purpose to explain here how to raise one's children, many works exist (in particular those of Françoise Dolto), but simply to point some crucial elements.

Make sure as far as possible that the people to which you entrust your children (members of your family, children keepers, teachers...) have a positive perception of sexuality. In particular note that the masturbation of the young children is essential for their sexual psychic development.
Clearly explain sexuality to your children, never think that "he or she is too young to understand" or that "he or she will have time to learn that later".
Explain to them the family conflicts, without involving them in these.
Allow your children to express themselves, express their emotions, their feelings and their ideas even when that disturbs you. A healthy child is necessarily turbulent, you should rather worry if your child is "nice and quiet".
Never say to them "you're good for nothing", on the contrary congratulate and value them.

If your child expresses negative ideas about the body or about sexuality, undeceive him and explain to him why some people can have such opinions. Try to know from him where these opinions come from (other children, teachers...) in order to inform these people or to limit their influence.

And of course do not entrust the watch of your children to television!

Do not hesitate to take advice from a therapist and to allow your child to have access to some kind of work on himself, even if you do not feel particular difficulties in his or her development.

3. For your entourage

It is particularly delicate to convince people around you that to work on themselves could be beneficial. You may help them to become aware of it, however if the person is not ready to hear it, it is useless to insist: you would lose your friend!
A good way of having them think about it is to tell them about your own steps in this direction.

It is easier on the other hand to explain the individual and social consequences of neurosis if you are enough documented on the subject.

4. Through the association

We focused our means of action on prevention because we are quite conscious that it is impossible to make a large number of neurotics become aware of their need to undertake a therapy.

As with any epidemic it is obviously much more effective to prevent than to cure the disease.
This prevention must obviously be aimed at the children since the first years of life are determining in this field.

We think that prevention is possible, as is the tracking of tuberculosis or vaccinations against epidemic diseases, even if the matter here is more complex.

You can support our action in several ways:

by making a donation

by involving yourself in the life of the association:
you will be able to relay our campaigns of information , to distribute our leaflets, to help us to hold stands, to carry pedagogical actions, to make pressure on the decision makers, to contact professionals of your sector... and of course to bring your ideas.

acting around you:
for example, if you are a teacher or a pupil's parent, by informing the pedagogues and the persons in charge of your school and by asking them to invite psychologists and psychoanalysts, in particular for courses of sex education. The same applies if you are a social worker or if you work in a structure which takes care of families.
Awaken your professional organizations, federations of pupils' parents or trade unions.

Without you, nothing will be done!

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International Movement for a Libido Ecology (M.I.E.L.) - ecologielibidinale.org - Lastest update 23.02.2018